Legal Services of New Jersey  
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Why Pro Bono?

American society promises equal justice for all. For those in poverty, this commitment remains unfulfilled. In New Jersey, every year one in three people living in poverty have at least one civil legal problem requiring the help of a lawyer. Less than one-sixth will be able to get such legal help. You can change that. Please join us and help make a difference.

Pro bono attorneys are necessary to help fill the “justice gap” between those who need and qualify for legal services and those for whom it actually can be provided. (View Poverty Research Studies here). Your training, experience, and willingness to help can provide equal access to justice for someone to whom it might otherwise be denied.

The benefits to those you help may be obvious, but what's in it for you?

» A way for new attorneys to:

  • Develop necessary practice skills
  • Work directly with clients
  • Gain access to materials and other information that make lawyering easier
  • Make professional contacts

» A way for experienced attorneys to:

  • Further develop your abilities
  • Expand your practice into new areas
  • Teach CLE courses
  • Mentor newer practitioners
  • Enjoy the personal and professional satisfaction of helping someone who really needs it.
  • Receive training that meets NJ CLE rule requirements
  • Participate in practice-oriented forums
  • Ease the burden on courts and administrative agencies
  • Enhance the public perception of lawyers

» A way for both new and experienced attorneys to:

  • Enjoy the personal and professional satisfaction of helping someone who really needs it
  • Take training that meets NJ CLE rule requirements
  • Participate in practice-oriented forums
  • Ease the burden on courts and administrative agencies
  • Enhance the public perception of lawyers
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Chief Justice Stuart Rabner
"Pro bono work is in keeping with the
noblest traditions of the legal profession.
Pro bono work is not just a helpful supplement
to the legal system, it's vital to the delivery
of justice in our state and in our nation."

Chief Justice Stuart Rabner

The participating organizations on this website offer many different ways to meet the need for pro bono services. There are opportunities for attorneys who are comfortable in a courtroom and for those who have little or no experience there. Most participating organizations provide a range of support for their volunteers, which may include malpractice insurance, exemptions from mandatory assignments, waivers of filing fees, and recognition for the time and effort of those providing free legal assistance. You should check this website for specific information about all participating organizations in order to find those that best match your interests and abilities.

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